Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

We make sure you can check Smiles exchange rates from Canadian dollar (CAD) fast. Use our chart/simulator here or check on the Smiles app.

Current rates

Check rates with the simulator


This is a one-time transaction fee based on the remittance method you choose and the amount you want to transfer. No other hidden fees will be charged.

First load of the month FREE * Second load of the month
1 CAD loading fee
Current rate

This is the current exchange rate at the moment. Please note that the rate can change at the time you make a complete remittance due to the market.


These are the number of Smiles Loyalty Points you will be able to earn, based on the remittance method and amount you plan to transfer.

Total cost

Check rates on the Smiles app

Instantly check on your phone. Even at the comfort of your home.

Change your lifestyle with Smiles

smiles mobile remittance app screenshot


For Smiles Remit, the exchange rate applied is the prevailing rate at the time the remittance order is executed.

Please note that exchange rates are subject to change without prior notice.

To remit using the Smiles app, please follow the instructions below:

See the guidelines

To refer a remittance fee, please see the link below: See remittance fee

See more FAQs
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