Loading fee

Loading fee

Load money to your Smiles account and remit when the rate is to your liking with our Everyday Great Rate.

*Effective September 10, 2024

Loading fee
Direct e-Transfer$1.75
In app e-Transfer
*Maximum $5.25
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Change your lifestyle with Smiles

smiles mobile remittance app screenshot

Frequently asked questions

Normally, the deposit will be reflected in the Smiles app immediately. In rare cases, the deposit will take 10 minutes.

If after 10 minutes you have not seen the load in Smiles wallet, please contact our customer service team.

Loading limit differs for different memberships:

Basic Member: load up to 999 CAD in 24 hours

Premium Member: no loading limit

Smiles promises to be fully transparent when it comes to fees. Smiles is now applying 2 kinds of fees: ① Loading fees and ② Remittance fees

①Loading fees:

  • 1st load of each month: FREE loading fee
  • From 2nd load of each month: 1$ loading fee

② Remittance fees:
Please check out our remittance fees here

You can only load via Blocpay.

Unfortunately, we don't accept cash payment.

No, you are not allowed to use someone else's bank account to load to your app's digital wallet. You can only use any of your bank accounts.

No, you are not allowed to use someone else’s bank account to load to your app’s digital wallet. You can only use either your own assigned Smiles Wallet Card or any of your Canadian bank accounts.

See more FAQs
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