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For security purposes, the Smiles app only allows one login account per mobile device. In other words, one cannot log in to his/her Smiles account in different devices at the same time.

You can, however, switch to a device by following the steps below:

  1. Install Smiles App to your new mobile device.
  2. Select the Region & Language you prefer.
  3. Tap [ Login ] and log in with your registered login account.
  4. Check the confirmation code sent to your registered email address. Enter the 6-digit code in the provided field in the Smiles app.

For security purposes, the Smiles app only allows one login account per mobile device. In other words, one cannot log in to his/her Smiles account in different devices at the same time.

You are not allowed to delete any of your remittances in your transaction history.

To change your mobile numbers please follow the instructions below:

  1. Tap on "Menu"
  2. Tap your profile photo on the top
  3. Tap on "Mobile number"
  4. Change your Mobile number and tap "Done"

You cannot edit your birthdate via the Smiles app.


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