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FAQs: Register

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To register with Smiles, you will need:

  • A valid email
  • NRIC or valid Pass issued by ICA/MOM

For Manual registrations, you also need to submit a Proof of Address (E.g: Local Utility Bill, Bank Statement, Tenancy Agreement)

No, you need to submit a Proof of Address that is dated within 3 months prior to the registration.

Yes, you may register even without a Singapore phone number. If you do not have one, you may input a zero (0).

The following IDs are accepted:

  • For foreigners: valid residence card
  • For Singaporean nationals: valid Singaporean driver’s license, valid passport or valid MyNumber Card
  • For Diplomats and Officials with diplomatic passport: valid passport
  • For Non-Singaporean with no Residence Card: valid passport including visa page

You can still register even without submitting the “My Number”.


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