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FAQs: Login

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To check your transaction details, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the Smiles app
  2. Tap on "History"
  3. Select the transaction you want to view

To change your email address please follow the instructions below:

  1. Tap on "Menu"
  2. Tap "Edit" next to your profile icon on the top
  3. Scroll down and go to "Login account" then tap "Edit"
  4. Tap on "Continue editing"
  5. Enter the new email address in the field provided.
  6. Tap on "Send code". The code will be sent to the e-mail address you just entered.
  7. Enter the code in the field provided to complete.

No, you are not allowed to have multiple Smiles accounts. One account per customer is only permitted.

You are not allowed to delete any of your remittances in your transaction history.


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