Steps On How To Transfer Money in Japan via ATM
Continuing on from our Bank Transfer Fees article, now, we would like to share with you steps on how to transfer money using an ATM in Japan. There are some ATMs that offer their services in English, however, there are still many ATMs only available in Japanese.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Transfer Money via ATM
The button for sending money varies from ATM to ATM, but most of the ATMs use the terms “お振り込み” (ofurikomi) or “ご送金” (gosoukin). In the Yucho ATM image above, the ATM uses the term “ご送金” (gosoukin), which means “send money.” There are several ATMs that accept cash to transfer to another account, so please don’t forget to bring your personal ATM card or passbook when you’re making a transaction.
Step 2: Choose Your Destination
There are three options to send money. The first option is “ゆうちょ口座へのご送金” (yuuchokouza no gosoukin), which allows you to transfer to a Yucho account. For the second option, “払込専用カード” (haraikomi senyou kaado) is selected if you have a special transfer card such as our Smiles Wallet Card or Smiles Link card (Smiles AEON Card or Smiles Premium Card). The final option, “他行口座へのご送金” (tagyoukouza eno gosoukin), should be selected if you want to send money to another bank account.
Step 3: Select the Destination Bank Account
If you selected the last option from the previous step, “他行口座へのご送金” (tagyoukouza eno gosoukin) to transfer to another bank account, the next screen will appear like the image shown above. You can choose other banks to send money. Large banks like みずほ銀行 (Mizuho Bank), 三井住友銀行 (Sumitomo Bank / SMBC), and 三菱UFJ銀行 (MUFG) usually appear at the top of the bank list. After you select the destination bank, you will need to enter the name of the branch or branch number of the destination bank. You may need to search in katakana, so our suggestion is to know the katakana from the branch name as well as the kanji for it. If you want to type in romaji, you can click on the “英字” (eiji) button to change the keypad to roman alphabetical keys.
Step 4: Enter Beneficiary Account Details
In this step, you are required to select the recipient account type. Most Japanese banks offer two types of accounts: 普通 (futsuu), which is a regular account, and 当座 (touza), which is a checking account. Next, input other detailed numbers such as the account number (口座番号), amount to be transferred (金額), and your telephone number (電話番号).
In the last box, you can input the sender’s name (ご依頼人名) as shown in the image above, which you can fill out with a reference number or other particular notes to be added for the beneficiary’s information.
Step 5: Confirm Recipient Details
After you finish entering all of the recipient data, at the very last page, there will be a confirmation screen for the beneficiary’s account and the amount you are going to send. If there is an error in filling in the data, you can correct it by clicking the “戻る” (modoru) button to return. The other option is to click on “取消” (torikeshi), which means “cancel,” so your transaction will be cancelled and it’ll return you to the home screen. If everything is correct, you can click on the “確認” (kakunin) button, which means “confirmation,” so the transaction can be processed.
We hope this article could be a reference for you when you’re transferring money through ATMs in Japan. Please feel free to share your experience with money transfer in Japan or let us know if you have any ATM-related tips.
Source: Gaijin Pot
Photo by: Abigail Navarra